We're Back
I was going to write every day. Then I hurt my hand. Definitely a bummer. You know how you start a routine, and then you fall off for some legitimate (or legitimate-seeming) reason, and it just… dissipates? Well, that’s what happened. Thankfully, like a seemingly-defeated boss in the first act of a game returning for another go-round 30 hours later, I have returned.
You have to make a concerted effort to get back into a habit, so I’ll be giving that a shot over the course of the next few weeks. Yeah, it takes that long to get back into a habit, doesn’t it? You can’t just do the thing again once and say “I’m good! Habit restored!” A month, at least, is required. It doesn’t matter if it’s writing, exercising, or even a habit of not doing something specific. It’s time, and dedication, and the will to get back up when you fall down. We’re giving getting back up a try today - let’s see how it goes!