
Uncategorized Daily Posts

We're Back

I was going to write every day. Then I hurt my hand. Definitely a bummer. You know how you start a routine, and then you fall off for some legitimate (or legitimate-seeming) reason, and it just… dissipates? Well, that’s what happened. Thankfully, like a seemingly-defeated boss in the first act of a game returning for another go-round 30 hours later, I have returned.

A picture of the boss Milon Z. from Final Fantasy 4, albeit from a Free Enterprise randomizer run.

Okay, Milon returns like a whole minute later as Milon Z., and Milon’s modern canon name is Scarmiglione, and this is from the Free Enterprise randomizer instead of the vanilla game, but you get it, right? I knew you would get it.

You have to make a concerted effort to get back into a habit, so I’ll be giving that a shot over the course of the next few weeks. Yeah, it takes that long to get back into a habit, doesn’t it? You can’t just do the thing again once and say “I’m good! Habit restored!” A month, at least, is required. It doesn’t matter if it’s writing, exercising, or even a habit of not doing something specific. It’s time, and dedication, and the will to get back up when you fall down. We’re giving getting back up a try today - let’s see how it goes!

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